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ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants K.K
  • Japanese
  • English
About us


ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants K.K. is an accounting office
specialized to serve foreign affiliated companies

■Tax/Accounting/Payroll/Social Insurance/Establishment of Companies
/VISA Formalities/Approvals & Licensing

ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants K.K. is an all-round consulting firm which has an accounting office, a social insurance & labor consultants office and a legal support office under its wing. ECOVIS AKIA will support business of foreign affiliated companies in Japan comprehensively.
ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants K.K. is a consulting firm established in Yokohama in July, 2008 by 3 partners to support foreign affiliated companies to enter Japanese market.

20 specialized staff in Sato & Akasaki Accounting Office, AKIA SOCIAL INSURANCE & LABOR CONSULTANTS OFFICE and AKIA LEGAL SUPPORT OFFICE will support clients comprehensively for accounting and tax, HR management and labor affairs, law affairs and general affairs.


Message from Partners

ECOVIS AKIA was established in 2008 by 3 partners. As a small accounting firm we paid close attention to each client. Our bilingual quality service has been appreciated and our office has gradually expanded with more staff and broader lineups of services.

As well as maintaining friendly relationship with our clients, we wish to further enhance our service lineups and grow up with our clients as a one-stop service center.

Managing Partners

佐藤 直子

Name and License Naoko Sato,
Certified Tax Accountant
Academic Record and
Business Career
Graduated from Economics Department, Rikkyo University.

July 2008 to present: Co-partner of ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants
2006 to 2007 : Controller of a venture capital
1998 to 2006: Manager of an accounting office which specializes in international tax and accounting
Specialty and
Specialized in tax and accounting for foreign affiliated companies in Japan.

Naoko has been one of the first advisors at Japanese government's foreign investor support center. With her fluent English and deep knowledge in international taxation she has gained excellent reputation.
Publication "Revised Tax Laws Q&A", from 2005 to 2020 version. Business Kyoiku Publisher
"Cases to be Treated with Caution for Tax
Accountants" 2016 Gyosei Publisher
"Setting Up Enterprises in Japan 7th edition", JETRO
"Laws & Regulations on Setting up Business in Japan",from 2017 to 2020 version,JETRO

赤崎 章吉

Name and License Akiyoshi Akasaki
Certified Tax Accountant
Certified Administrative Scrivener
Certified Social Insurance Labor Consultant
Academic Record
and Business Career
Graduated from Economics Department of
Keio University.
Completed course of procedures for tax lawsuits, Keio University Law School.

July 2008 to present: Co-partner of ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants
2000 to 2005: Senior Staff of an accounting
office which specializes in international tax and accounting
Specialty and
Specialized in tax and accounting for foreign affiliated companies in Japan.

Aki enjoys the challenge and this has helped him earn experience in wide range of taxation including corporate restructuring. His sharp and logical advise is appreciated by many of his clients.
Publication "Data Hand Book for Small and Medium Sized
Enterprise", from 2009 to 2021 version, C&R
Kenkyujo Publisher


原 洋子

Name Yoko Hara
License Certified Social Insurance Labor Consultant
Academic Record B.A. in German Literature, Waseda University
Strength Labor issues are not just about the rules. Yoko has both knowledge and compassion to solve the difficult situation.


Name ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants K.K.
(Representative: Akiyoshi Akasaki)
(Representative: Akiyoshi Akasaki)
Establishment July 7th, 2008
Capital Amount 3,000,000 Yen
Representative Director Akiyoshi Akasaki
Naoko Sato
Number of Employees (Including Outsourcing Partners) 45(As of November 1, 2024)
  • アクセス

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Although ECOVIS AKIA expends all possible means to provide accurate information on this website, ECOVIS AKIA assumes no responsibility for any loss directly or indirectly caused from the act based on the information or contents in this website.
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Please feel free to place a link to our website on your site. You may link top page of this website as well as other pages without a prior notice. However please be aware that contents on this website is subject to change or deletion or change of URL without notice.


ECOVIS AKIA Tax Consultants K.K